מק"ט: TOR

טורואידים לחיבור לממסרי זליגה

טורואידים בקטרים : 22,35,60,80,110,160,210,300 מ"מ

טורואידים מתפרקים (2 חלקים) להתקנה בלוחות קיימים

בקטרים 110,210,300 מ"מ

טורואידים מלבניים עם פתח 280x150 מ"מ,350x170 מ"מ,400x150 מ"מ, להתקנה בלוחות גדולים סביב פסי הצבירה.

טוראידים מסדרת CTB עבור ממסרי זליגה TYPE B בקטרים 22,35,60,80,110,160,210 מ"מ

מידע כללי

Earth Leakage control and monitoring consist of a relay and associated summation toroidal current transformer, typically used in LV networks with alternating current in TT,IT and TNS systems. They provide the required protection against indirect contacts (complementary protection against direct contacts) and against risk of fire (as the low currents through the earth are not enough to let the magnetothermic device intervene). The standard CE1 64.8 says the earth leakage relay is considered as additional protection therefore not an unique device for protection against the direct contacts. All cables of a single or three phase system, including the neutral where present, must cross the torroid which is the point of residual current. The device activates when it detects defective insulation which is indicated when the vectorial sum of the current carrying cables result in a differential figure. Referring standards: CEI EN60947.2/B, CEI 64.8, CEI EN 61008/1 and CEI EN 61010-1. Revalco offer an extensive range including both DIN rail mounted and Panel mounted.
